Dyllan James Cummings Photos

 as of November 15, 2005


*Photo left:  Dyllan at the Pumpkin patch * * * * * * *  Photo right: Our "Little Devil!"*


* * * Here Dyllan is at the beach for the 1st time! * * *

* Photo #1-discovering seagulls, * Photo #2- responding to "How big is Dyllan?" * Photo #3- Full of sand and full of fun! *


* * * What a great walker and look at that cute smile! * * * 


* * * Halloween night at our house, Dyllan's a little pooped out but refreshed and happy the next day! * * * 


Click here to see a  25 second mixed video November 15, 2005 (3MB File)

Dyllan is now 15 and a half months old!   His favorite new foods are: whole ripe pears, seeds and stem too. Anything Mommy eats,  Dyllan is given some too. Sometimes he's not sure what to do with a new food until Mommy gives him a clue and takes a bite herself!  He can eat with a fork if we 'spear' the food for him. When he's had enough of one type of food, he'll kindly tell us by dropping it on the floor.  Dyllan is quite the walker now! He loves to walk anywhere, anytime. He's still has that cute "drunken" toddler  walk which we think is adorable and sometimes in his excitement he even starts walking backwards!  Dyllan loves musical instruments, toy or mommy made, and will dance to any tune. He has learned to blow a toy whistle and can baby talk a little bit of 'Itsy bitsy spider'.  He loves it when we bring out the puppets or read him a story, exaggerating on a animal sounds. Dyllan  is able to communicate with us using words and Baby Sign language. He also babbles non stop and has some very serious conversations with us. He 'cracks' himself  up all the time; which in turn cracks us up. Dyllan now sorts objects by size, type and color. He laughs with glee when Mommy or Daddy show him new uses for his toys, making tunnels out of books, blocks and even our selves. Dyllan is growing up so fast and we are happy to share him with you!

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Copyright 2005-2007 Michelle and Brian Cummings

No Part of this website may be copied or used without the written permission of both Brian J Cummings and Michelle F Cummings.